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Table 1 Description of the exercises performed during the jump and balance training

From: Effects of jump and balance training on knee kinematics and electromyography of female basketball athletes during a single limb drop landing: pre-post intervention study


Time or Repetitions


Time or Repetitions

Phase1: Technique


Phase2: Performance


1. Squat jumps

20 sec

1. Squat jumps

20 sec

2. 180°jumps

20 sec

2. Scissors jumps

20 sec

3. Single leg balance

20 sec

3. Single leg balance and pass

20 sec

4. Hop jump (both leg)

20 sec

4. Hop jump (single leg)

20 sec

5. Broad jump and hold

28 m

5. Single-leg hop and hold

14 m/leg

6. Crossover hop, hop, hop, stick

28 m

6. Crossover hop, hop, hop, stick

28 m

Squat jumps: Drop into deep knee, hip, and ankle flexion and then take off into a maximal vertical jump. On landing, immediately return to the starting position and repeat the initial jump.

180°jumps: Initiates a 2-footed jump with a direct vertical motion combined with a 180°rotation in midair, keeping arms away from the body to help maintain balance. When landing, immediately reverses this jump to the opposite direction.

Single-leg balance (and pass): This drill is performed on a balance device that provides an unstable surface. Begin by standing on one foot on the device. After the subject has improved, the training drills can incorporate ball catches and passes.

Hop jumps: Start by standing next to a small square balance board. Hop onto the board and then hop off on the opposite side. Repeat hopping on and off the board.

Broad jump and hold: Begin by swinging arms forward and jumping horizontally and vertically at approximately a 45°angle to achieve a maximum horizontal distance. The athlete lands with her knees flexed to approximately 90°.

Crossover hop, hop, hop, stick: Start on a single limb and jump at a diagonal across the body landing on the opposite limb with the foot pointing straight ahead and immediately redirect the jump in the opposite diagonal direction.

Scissors jumps: Start in a stride position with one foot well in front of other. Jump up, alternating foot positions in midair.

Single-leg hop and hold: Initiate the jump by swinging the arms forward while simultaneously extending at the hips and knees. The jump should carry the athlete up at an angle of approximately 45°and attain maximal distance for a single-leg landing. The subject is instructed to land on the jumping leg in deep knee flexion.