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Table 2 Clinical outcomes and complications

From: PLAR: a combined percutaneous and arthroscopic treatment for iliotibial band syndrome description of surgical technique and short-term results: description of surgical technique and short-term results

Return to previous sport level




14 (100)

4 (r 2.5-6) months




 3 months

 6 months

 12 months


2.9 (r 1–5)

3 (r 1–5)

14.8 (r 12–16)

15 (r 12–16)

15 (r 12–16)



11 (79)

3 (21)

 FFU - preoperative

 6 months - preoperative

 12 months − 6months

12.1 (p 0.000*)

11.9 (p 0.01*)

0.2 (p > 0.05)




 3 months

 6 months

 12 months


63.1 (r 52–75)

62.4 (r 55–70)

96.9 (r 92–100)

97.1 (r 92–100)

97.3 (r 92–100)



13 (93)

1 (7)

 FFU - preoperative

 6 months - preoperative

 12 months − 6months

34 (p 0.000*)

33.8 (p 0.01*)

0.2 (p > 0. 05)

Degree of satisfaction


 Completely satisfied

 Mostly satisfied

 Somewhat satisfied


12 (86)

2 (14)





  1. Values are n (%), mean ± SD or r unless otherwise noted
  2. Abbreviations: r range, FFU final follow-up
  3. * p < 0.05