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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of the matched pairs study population (n = 1030)

From: Effectiveness of an 11-week exercise intervention for patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis: results of a quasi-experimental pragmatic trial


Hip and Knee Training (HKT)

n = 515

Control (CO)

n = 515

Women (n, %)

393 (76.3)

396 (76.9)

Age (years), mean (SD)

63.55 (9.49)

63.73 (9.01)

Body Mass Index (kg/m2), mean (SD)

27.89 (4.55)

27.74 (4.92)

OA lifetime prevalence, (n, %)


264 (51.3)

264 (51.3)


116 (22.5)

116 (22.5)


135 (26.2)

135 (26.2)

Joint replacement (hip/knee), (n, %)

65 (12.6)

65 (12.6)

WOMAC, Mean (SD), [Median (IQR)]


3.14 (1.99), [2.80 (1.60, 4.39)]

3.16 (2.31), [2.80 (1.20, 4.80)]


2.78 (1.93), [2.53 (1.24, 3.88)]

2.74 (2.20), [2.24 (0.94, 4.24)]

VR-12, Mean (SD)


38.36 (8.15)

38.62 (8.74)


50.00 (11.19)

49.70 (10.88)

General self-efficacy scale (GSE), Mean (SD)

3.08 (0.55)

3.07 (0.56)

Health-oriented activity status (Ho-AS), Mean (SD)

2.91 (0.87)

2.90 (0.95)

  1. HKT Hip and knee training, CO Control, IQR Interquartile range, WOMAC subscales pain and function, with scores ranging from 0 to 10 (best to worst scale). VR-12: Veterans Rand-12 of which the Physical component score (PCS90) and the Mental Component Score (MCS90) were calculated with a value of 50 indicating the mean American Norm 1990 (worst to best). General self-efficacy scale (GSE) with scores ranging from 1–4 (worst to best) and Health-oriented activity status (Ho-AS) with scores ranging from 1 to 5 (best to worst)