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Table 2 Balance board parameters of the study groups (control, dancer). Data are expressed as mean ± SD

From: Comprehensive linear and nonlinear analysis of the effects of spinning on dynamic balancing ability in Hungarian folk dancers









RP [\(^{\circ }\)]

21.51 ± 15.12

23.29 ± 12.88

26.37 ± 7.32

26.05 ± 9.48

RR [\(^{\circ }\)]

18.81 ± 14.37

23.97 ± 15.55

21.45 ± 5.02

29.01 ± 9.16 \(^{\dagger }\)

SP [\(\%\)]

55.65 ± 21.93

49.49 ± 16.48

54.36 ± 12.14

60.63 ± 15.36

SR [\(\%\)]

57.36 ± 16.21

50.06 ± 15.21

59.25 ± 15.41

71.72 ± 10.21 \(^{*,\dagger }\)

RSR [-]

1.10 ± 0.25

1.05 ± 0.19

1.11 ± 0.26

1.23 ± 0.24

RA [-]

0.93 ± 0.34

0.94 ± 0.45

0.85 ± 0.21

1.19 ± 0.38 \(^{\dagger }\)

FSP [s]

8.92 ± 10.38

8.85 ± 6.29

7.98 ± 5.48

9.55 ± 6.52

FSR [s]

3.29 ± 4.95

13.25 ± 8.25 \(^\dagger\)

7.20 ± 5.96

6.82 ± 5.12 \(^*\)

  1. * p \(<0.05\), group effect (two-sample t-test)
  2. \(^{\dagger }\) p \(<0.05\), effect of the spinning (paired t-test)