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Table 1 Player characteristics

From: Same game, different worlds? General conditions, perceived stress, and associations between stress and past season injuries in elite female and male ice hockey players


Female players (n = 170)

Male players (n = 190)

Age Mean (SD) (n = 133)

22.9 (4.4)


Years playing ice hockey

 Median (IQR; min/max)

17 (14–20; 6–30)

20 (16–24; 9–31)

Years of playing ice hockey on current level

 Median (IQR; min/max)

3 (1–7.5; 0–19)

5 (2–9; 0–22)

Playing position % (n)b


12.4 (21)

11.1 (21)


36.1 (61)

37.9 (72)


19.5 (33)

22.6 (43)


39.1 (66)

34.7 (66)

Players reporting injuries during the past season

 No injury % (n)

17.1 (29)

22.1 (42)

 Non-substantial injury (only) % (n)

35.3 (60)

33.7 (64)

 Substantial injury % (n)

47.6 (81)

44.2 (84)

  1. ---aMean age (SD) of male players in the 2022/2023 season: SHL = 25.8 (5.7); HA = 24.7 (4.5)
  2. bMore than one option possible