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Table 1 Summary of major themes related to home training experience

From: Supporting athletes during a challenging situation: recommendations from a global insight of COVID-19 home-based training experience



Theme 1: Adaptation to remote training

o Finding solutions to challenges; adapting to situations, maintaining motivation, enthusiasm, and manage psychological issues.

o Ensuring that training objectives (broadly) are still met.

o Utilizing available resources (online, digital tools; purchase, borrow).

o Shifting training focus to maximize resource availability.

Theme 2: Creativity in training practices

o Applying creative and alternative training approaches.

o Utilizing available means (such as household items) creatively.

o Modifying routines using unconventional or novel ways.

o Applying a variety of training (innovatively) to meet fitness goals.

Theme 3: Performance enhancement opportunity

o Improving performance parameters previously neglected.

o Enabling more focus on exercise routines.

o Having extra time available for training, recovery, psychology.

o Analysing technical aspects (such as running).

Theme 4: Mental and motivation challenges

o Difficult to stay motivated to train due to competition uncertainty.

o Difficulty of training without competition objectives.

o Social aspect of training with teammates.

Theme 5: Opinions related to lockdown situations and associated effects

o Inadequate support from organizations (sport sciences, financial, recovery).

o Struggling with training due to limited equipment and spaces.

o Monitoring of training by coaching staff, etc.

o Negative impacts on overall health and finances.

o Anxiety and uncertainty contributing to poor nutrition intake.

o Prioritizing health over sports.

o Planning for elite athletes (training bubbles).