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Table 1 Mean changes in angles of interest during pair wise test posture comparisons

From: The influence of changes in trunk and pelvic posture during single leg standing on hip and thigh muscle activation in a pain free population

Pair wise positions


Mean change (95% CI)

P value

Anterior Trunk Sway vs. Posterior Trunk Sway

R Hip X

15° (12° - 18°)


R Pelvis X

9° (7° - 12°)


R Spine X

22° (19° - 26°)


R Thorax X*

31° (28° - 34°)


Anterior Pelvic Rotation vs. Posterior Pelvic Rotation

R Hip X

16° (13° - 18°)


R Pelvis X*

15° (13°- 17°)


R Pelvis Y

1° (0° - 2°)


R Spine X

−18° (−21 - -16°)


R Thorax X

−3° (−5° - -1°)


Left Trunk Shift vs. Right Trunk Shift

R Pelvis Y

3° (1°- 4°)


R Thorax Y*

26° (24° - 28°)


Pelvic Drop vs. Pelvic Raise

R Pelvis Y*

14° (12–16)


  1. The bold/* angles highlight the defining angle for each of the pair wise position.