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Table 2 Association* between perceived route features and active transport

From: Transport choice when travelling to a sports facility: the role of perceived route features - Results from a cross-sectional study in the Netherlands


OR (95 % CI) cycling vs car

OR (95 % CI) cycling vs car

If you travel to the sports facility within a radius of 7.5 km, do you choose this transport modea because you…




Consider the road traffic situation unsafe when using the other 2 transport modesb

0.36 (0.15-0.86)

1.45 (0.44-4.80)

Feel unsafe when travelling by the other 2 transport modesb because of criminality

0.71 (0.27-1.87)

1.41 (0.30-6.59)

Bother by noise, odour and vibrations


Are bothered by noise when travelling by the other 2 transport modesb

0.86 (0.24-3.12)

1.33 (0.16-11.11)

Are bothered by odour when travelling by the other 2 transport modesb

0.75 (0.21-2.68)

1.29 (0.16-10.51)

Are bothered by vibrations when travelling by the other 2 transport modesb

0.65 (0.17-2.51)

0.39 (0.04-3.92)

Do the following factors influence your choice of using this transport modea when you travel these distances?


Route convenience


Whether the distance to my destination is shorter

2.91 (1.97-4.30)

5.21 (2.85-9.52)

Whether it takes less time to reach my destination

0.54 (0.39-0.75)

0.60 (0.36-1.00)

Whether my destination is easy to reach

1.06 (0.77-1.48)

1.39 (0.82-2.36)

Whether I encounter a lot of traffic lights

0.92 (0.54-1.59)

0.56 (0.22-1.42)

Whether I encounter obstacles aimed at speed reduction (such as bumps in the road or road narrowings)

1.02 (0.57-1.85)

0.50 (0.18-1.40)

Whether I am forced to make a detour to reach my destination should I use either of the other 2 transport modesb

1.82 (1.06-3.15)

2.15 (0.91-5.08)

Visual aspects


What I see/encounter during the trip

2.40 (1.27-4.53)

3.34 (1.27-8.76)

Who I see/encounter during the trip

2.77 (1.34-5.72)

3.69 (1.29-10.52)

  1. OR = Odds Ratio indicating the odds to choose active transport modes compared to the car; 95%CI = 95% confidence interval; significance was tested at α = 0.05
  2. *Adjusted for: sex, age, education level, household composition, physical activity, neighbourhood typology, age of the neighbourhood, and length (km) cycling lane (for cyclists), length (km) walking paths (for walkers), number of sport facilities, and square km of public natural spaces per km2, and the distance to a sports facility, and factors that influence the transport choice (i.e. the weather, I am used to travelling by this ,transport mode, It depends on whether I feel like using this transport mode, My health/health in general, Whether there is a cycle parking at my destination)
  3. aIn this question, the interpretation of ‘this transport mode’ depends on the categorisation of the respondent into a transport mode (i.e. car user, cyclist, walker). If someone was a car user, this transport mode was replaced by ‘to use the car’; if someone was a cyclist, it was replaced by ‘to cycle’; and if someone was a walker, it was replaced by ‘to walk’
  4. bIf someone was categorised as a car user, the 2 other transport modes are by ‘bicycle or on foot’; if someone was a cyclists, the other 2 transport modes are using the car and walking, if someone was a walker the other transport mode are using the car and cycling