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Table 1 Description of the strength training exercises

From: Exercise intervention protocol in children and young adults with cerebral palsy: the effects of strength, flexibility and gait training on physical performance, neuromuscular mechanisms and cardiometabolic risk factors (EXECP)


Seated Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raise

Seated Dorsiflexion

Seated Machine

Knee Extension

Seated Machine

Knee Flexion

Seated Horizontal

Leg Press


Hip Flexion

Roman Chair Trunk Extension

Hollow Rock



Soleus, Gastrocnemius

Soleus, Gastrocnemius

Tibialis Anterior

Quadriceps femoris


Gluteus maximus, quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, triceps surae

Gluteus maximus, quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, triceps surae

Iliopsoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor fasciae latae, tibialis anterior

Erector spinae, multifidus

Trunk flexors, hip flexors, transversus abdominis



Seated with knees at 90°. Forefoot on a 10 cm step, ankle in maximal attainable dorsiflexion. Weight over the distal thigh of the training leg.

Standing with hips and knees at 0°, and the forefoot on a 10 cm step in maximal attainable dorsiflexion. Holding on parallel bars for balancea.

Hips at 70–90°, knees at 0–20°, ankle in full plantarflexion.

An elastic band on the forefoot resists the dorsiflexion movement.

Hips at 80°, knees at 115°. Knee and machine’s lever arm center of rotation aligned. Lever arm positioned at the distal shank.

Hips at 80°, knees at 0–5°. Knee and machine’s lever arm center of rotation aligned. Lever arm positioned at the distal shank.

Hips at 110–90°, knees at 80–100°. Feet and knees at hip width. 0–20° of hip external rotation.

Standing with hips and knees at 0°. Holding an adjustable support with both hands. Feet and knees at hip width. 0–20° of hip external rotation.

Supine position, arms laying by the side and both legs touching the mat. An elastic band on the forefoot resists hip flexion and ankle dorsiflexion.

Hips and knees at 0°, the chair is 30–45° inclined. Padded support at pelvis height. Distal posterior part of the shank locked against a padded support.

Supine position, hips and knees at 0°. Arms laying by the side and both legs touching the mat.



Unilateral or bilateral ankle plantarflexion.

Unilateral or bilateral ankle plantarflexion

Unilateral or bilateral ankle dorsiflexion.

Unilateral or bilateral knee extension.

Unilateral or bilateral knee flexion.

Unilateral or bilateral hip and knee extension, and ankle plantarflexion.

Bilateral hip and knee extension, and ankle plantarflexion

Unilateral or bilateral hip flexion and isometric ankle dorsiflexion.

Isometric trunk and hip extension.

Isometric trunk and hip flexion. Isometric knee extension.

  1. Hip 0° = anatomical position (positive values = flexion), Knee 0° = fully extended
  2. aIf the exercise is too hard, leaning on the bars and helping with the arms will be allowed. If the exercise is too easy, it will be done in the leg press machine