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Table 1 Borg RPE and mean heart rate in various pedal stages during the low- and high-resistance exercises

From: Resistance-induced brain activity changes during cycle ergometer exercises






 Borg RPE

9 (1)

12.5 (2)†

16 (2)†‡

 Mean heart rate

106.7 (13.9)

111.8 (12.7)†

119.4 (14.8)†‡


 Borg RPE

13 (0)

16 (2)†

18 (1)†‡

 Mean heart rate

137.8 (23.5)

150.8 (20.8)†

157.6 (22.3)†‡

  1. All data are represented as median (interquartile range). The paired permutation test is used to compare the differences between two pedal stages. The mark † indicates that the middle or late stage variable is significantly different from its early-stage value (p < 0.05/3). The mark ‡ indicates that the late-stage variable is significantly different from its middle-stage value (p < 0.05/3).