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Table 1 Key considerations for future randomised controlled trials exploring the health effects of NO3− ingestion

From: Dietary nitrate and population health: a narrative review of the translational potential of existing laboratory studies




Consumption of a NO3− dose ≥8 mmol

NO3− form

Provision of NO3− salts or vegetables, with NO3− content independently verified

Study duration

Longer duration (e.g., months-to-years) warranted

Participant cohort

‘At risk’ cohort studied (e.g., individuals with hypertension for studies exploring effects of NO3− on cardiovascular disease risk)

Genetics/ microbiome

Consider recruitment of T allele carriers with G894T polymorphism in the eNOS gene


Consider recruitment of individuals with greater abundance of NO3− reducing oral bacteria


Avoidance of mouthwash prior to and during the study

Dietary controls

Avoidance of thiocyanate and sulphate rich foods in conjunction with NO3−

Other lifestyle factors

Avoidance of smoking


Inclusion of hard clinical endpoints (e.g., CVD or dementia incidence) to build upon promising findings on risk factors for these conditions