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Table 4 Analysis of prescription intervention by pharmacists (18 days)

From: Pharmacy services for the 2019 Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA) World Masters Championships in Gwangju, South Korea


n (%)

Total prescriptions

491 (100)

Total interventions†

47 (9.6)

Total interventions in respect of WADA

3 (0.6)

Type of medicine

47 (100)


34 (72.3)

External for skin

8 (17.0)


4 (8.5)


1 (2.1)

Type of intervention

47 (100)

Change of medicine dosage

21 (44.7)

Change of prescription days

9 (19.1)

Dispensed after confirmation of prescription

9 (19.1)

Change of medicine

3 (6.4)

Change of medicine usage

2 (4.6)

Medicine added

2 (4.6)

Report of adverse drug reaction

1 (2.1)

  1. Total duration of the FINA competition was 25 days, of which the daily record of prescription intervention had been completed only for 18 days. Total number of prescriptions for 18 days was 491
  2. WADA; World Anti-Doping Agency; 1 case related to 1 case related to normal saline 500 mL containing a multi-vitamin, 1 case related to beta-2 agonist inhaler, and 1 case related to oral iron medicine