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Table 1 Interview guide

From: A framework exploring the therapeutic alliance between elite athletes and physiotherapists: a qualitative study


Elaboration/example questions


Introduction by the interviewer on the purpose of the interview, including creation of a safe atmosphere. TA will be introduced and explained

General TA

What do you think as elite athlete/physiotherapist that is important for a strong TA?

Theme 1: congruence

What is your view on the importance of agreement between you and your elite athlete/physiotherapist and what influences the agreement process?

Theme 2: connectedness

What do you regard as important for the connection between you and the elite athlete/physiotherapist in a social context?

Theme 3: communication

Which factors do you think contribute to a proper communication between a physiotherapist and an elite athlete?

Theme 4: expectation

How do you think that your expectation/the elite athlete’s expectation affects the TA? What could this expectation be based upon?

Theme 5: individualised therapy

Do you think an individualised therapy contributes to a stronger TA? What makes you believe that the therapy is based on you/the elite athlete?

Theme 6: influencing factors

What do you think contributes to a strong TA as an external factor? What elite athlete’s or physiotherapist’s personal characteristics, do you think contribute to a strong TA?

Theme 7: partnership

What do you view as important for the professional bond between you and the elite athlete/physiotherapist?

Theme 8: Roles and responsibilities

What do you see as the elite athletes’ or physiotherapists’ professional roles, what do these consist of?

New themes

What do you as elite athlete/physiotherapist see as other important factors regarding the TA? How do you feel that the TA in an elite athlete setting differs from the general population TA?

Discarding previous factors

Participants received a printed version of “Appendix A”. They were asked to remove factors which they felt did not contribute to the TA in an elite athlete environment