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Table 1 Examples of low-dose PA recommendations made during the counseling sessions to progressively increase MVPA

From: Effect of a 1-year intervention comprising brief counselling sessions and low-dose physical activity recommendations in Japanese adults, and retention of the effect at 2 years: a randomized trial

During daily life

Increase the weekly frequency of grocery shopping by buying fresh products and small portions each time you go to the supermarket

Explore the supermarket hallways before starting your shopping

Schedule a whole house cleaning session every week

Add 10-min of walking when picking-up your child or friends at the bus stop/train station

Do some stretching exercise during the TV commercials

Walk faster during your utilitarian travels

During leisure time

Go to the gym with your family when you have a day off

Registered to sport events in your local community

Buy a fashionable pair of sneakers

Play with your kids when accompanying them at the park

During working time

Take the stairs instead of the elevator when moving within your workplace

Use the toilets upstairs

Go out for lunch when possible

During commuting time

One time a week or more, stop one train station prior to the usual one and walk to your home

Use the stairs instead of the elevator in the train station

Board the train in the car located farthest to the station entrance/exit

Walk faster during your commuting route

Make a 10-min walk before using your car back home