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Table 1 Definitions of gait parameters

From: Comprehensive validation of a wearable foot sensor system for estimating spatiotemporal gait parameters by simultaneous three-dimensional optical motion analysis




Cycle duration

Second (s)

The time between the heel touching the ground and the ipsilateral heel touching the ground again, meaning one gait cycle


Steps per minute (steps/min)

The number of cycles in a minute

Stance phase (Stance)

Percent (%) of cycle duration

The percentage of time a part of the foot touches the ground during a gait cycle

Swing phase (Swing)

Percent (%) of cycle duration

The percentage of time the foot are in the air and not touching the ground during a gait cycle

Loading phase (Loading)

Percent (%) of stance

The percentage of time between the heel strike and the foot being flat on the ground during stance phase

Foot-flat phase (Foot-flat)

Percent (%) of stance

The percentage of time where the foot is fully flat on the ground during stance phase

Pushing phase (Pushing)

Percent (%) of stance

The percentage of time between the foot being flat on the ground and the toe leaving the ground at take-off during stance phase

Double support phase (Double support)

Percent (%) of cycle duration

The percentage of time both feet touches the ground during a gait cycle

Stride length

Meter (m)

The distance between two consecutive footprints on the ground, meaning the distance from the heel of one foot to the heel of the same foot one cycle later

Stride velocity

Meter per second (m/s)

The forward speed of one cycle

Peak angle velocity (Peak ang. velocity)

Degree per second (°/s)

The maximum angular velocity during the swing phase, between maximal heel clearance and minimal toe clearance

Maximal swing speed (Swing speed)

Meter per second (m/s)

The maximum forward speed of the foot during swing phase

Strike angle

Degree (°)

The angle between the foot and the ground at heel contact

Lift-off angle

Degree (°)

The angle between the foot and the ground at the end of the pushing phase

Swing width

Meter (m)

The maximal lateral excursion between the forward path and the real path of the foot during swing phase

3D path length

Percent (%) stride length

The length of the path of the foot during one cycle in 3D space

Maximal heel clearance (Max. heel)

Meter (m)

The maximal height above the ground reached by the heel during one cycle

Maximal toe clearance 1 (Max. toe1)

Meter (m)

The maximal height above the ground reached by the toe just after heel maximal clearance

Minimal toe clearance (Min. toe)

Meter (m)

The minimum height of the toe during swing phase

Maximal toe clearance 2 (Max. toe2)

Meter (m)

The maximal height above the ground reached by the toe just before heel contact