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Table 3 Description of training habits of climbers and controls

From: Low occurrence of MRI spinal changes in elite climbing athletes; a cross-sectional study


Climbers n = 15

Controls n = 15


Maximum climbing level IRCRA

23.75 (5)



Years climbing (climbers)/Years training (controls)

12 (5)

14 (7)


Years bouldering

11 (5)



Yearly training volume



 < 400 h

2 (13)

8 (53)


400–700 h

6 (40)

7 (47)


 > 700 h

7 (47)



Yearly training volume age 10–15 years



 < 400 h

6 (40)

7 (47)


400–700 h

7 (47)

8 (53)


 > 700 h

2 (13)



Yearly training volume age 16–20 years



 < 400 h

3 (20)

3 (20)


400–700 h

4 (27)

12 (80)


 > 700 h

8 (53)



Yearly bouldering volume


 < 400 h

4 (27)



400–700 h

8 (53)



 > 700 h

3 (20)



Frequency of jumping bouldering descent






Almost always

5 (33)



Most often

5 (33)



Half of the times

3 (20)




2 (13)



Close to never/Never



  1. For categorical variables n (%) is presented. For continuous normally distributed variables Mean (SD) is presented. P-values that are statistically significant are labeled as *