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Table 2 Post-season player and coach questions about appraisal of Knee Control and perceived facilitators and barriers to Knee Control use

From: Perceptions, facilitators, and barriers regarding use of the injury prevention exercise programme Knee Control among players and coaches in youth floorball: a cross-sectional survey study



Appraisal of Knee Control

 Knee Control is floorball-specific… (1 false–7 true) [20]

 Knee Control takes too much time… (1 false–7 true) [20]

 Knee Control contains appropriate variation and progression for our team… (1 false–7 true) [20]

 Knee Control can be used over several seasons in our team… (1 false–7 true) [20]

Facilitators and barriers

 The following facilitators can help me perform Knee Control with my team at every training session next season (open answer)

 The following barriers can make it difficult for me to perform Knee Control with my team at every training session next season (open answer)


 Appraisal of Knee Control

 What did you like about Knee Control (9 closed answer options, several choices were possible)

 What did you not like about Knee Control (9 closed answer options, several choices were possible)

  1. “Extremely” to be added to all anchors in the Likert scale, 1 extremely false–7 extremely true