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Table 1 Intervention exercises for the Wii Fit™ and traditional balance training groups

From: The effects of exergaming on balance, gait, technology acceptance and flow experience in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial

Wii Fit™

Traditional balance training


Balance Games

Balance Games Equivalent


Heading (soccer) (balance board)

Wall Taps (reaching for numbers placed on a wall)

3 times per session

Ski Slalom (balance board)

Standing with feet together; resistance to perturbations

3 times per session

Table Tilt (balance board)

Wobble board (small inflatable)

3 times per session

Tight Rope (balance board)

Straight line walking; heel to toe

3 times per session

Aerobic Workouts

Aerobic Workouts Equivalent


Boxing (handheld controllers)

Basic (non-impact) shadow boxing

3 times per session

Step Ups (balance board)

Step ups

3 times per session

Hula Hoop (balance board)

Standing hip rotations

3 times per session

Muscle Workouts

Muscle Workouts Equivalent


Torso Twist (balance board)

Torso Twists

1 per session

Rowing Squats (balance board)

Mini squats

1 per session