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Table 1 The difference in the BR position among tasks

From: Shadow pitching deviates ball release position: kinematic analysis in high school baseball pitchers


Arm Acceleration


Direction of BR position

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

One factor repeated measures ANOVA

Bonferroni correction


Anterior (+) or Posterior (−)

78 ± 8

91 ± 6 a

86 ± 9 b c

F = 66.206, p < .001

< .001 a c, .001 b

Transverse: Right (+) or Left (−)

14 ± 11

4 ± 8 a

7 ± 8 b c

F = 25.836, p < .001

< .001 a, .015 b, .001 c

Vertical: Upward (+) or Downward (−)

76 ± 7

59 ± 10 a

70 ± 8 b c

F = 42.588, p < .001

< .001 a b, .001 c

  1. All values are in percentages. Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation
  2. Abbreviation: BR Ball release, ANOVA Analysis of variance
  3. a Significant difference between task 1 and task 2
  4. b Significant difference between task 2 and task 3
  5. c Significant difference between task 1 and task 3