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Table 1 Eight-week program followed by the groups

From: The effect of karate interventions on the motor proficiency of female adolescents with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) from high and low socio-economic status

Duration (time) [min]


Activities performed during each training session



Seiretsu (Line up), Kiotsuke (stand at attention), Rei (bow) and Yoi (pay respects to the instructor).

Sit in meditation (breathing exercises), Focus Claps.



Exercises including running, hopping, jumping, etc.

Stretching activities: hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back, calves, shoulders, and chest stretches.


Basic technical skills (i.e., Kihon)

Tachi Kata (Stances): shizentai (natural stance), zenkutsu dachi (front stance), kiba dachi (straddle stance), kokutsu dachi (back stance)

Uke (Blocks): gedan barai (downward block), lower sweeping (block jodan), age uke (face block), chudan soto uke (outside middle block), chudan uchi uke (inside middle block), shuto uke (knife hand block).

Tsuki (Punches): oi zuki (lunge punch), gyaku zuki (reverse punch)

keri (Kicks): mae geri (front kick), mawashi geri (roundhouse kick)


Pre-arranged sequence of techniques and movement against visualized opponents (i.e., Kata)

Heian Shodan Kata.

Progressive complex sequence development over the eight weeks of the intervention.


Cool down

Light jogging or walking, Upper body stretch, Knee-to-Chest Pose, Reclining Butterfly Pose, Child’s Pose.