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Table 1 Search strategy and inclusion/exclusion criteria based on PICO (population, intervention, comparison and outcome)

From: The impact of passive heat maintenance strategies between an active warm-up and performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Search terms


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

PubMed, EBSCO, Web of Science

((sport* OR exercise* OR perform*) AND (“post-warm-up” OR “warm-up” OR “half-time” OR “rewarming” OR “re-warming” OR “passive warming” OR “interval” OR “quarter”) AND (“passive heat*” OR “heat* jacket” OR “heat* pants” OR “blizzard survival jacket*” OR “heat* garment”))


Trained athletes

Non-trained athletes


An active warm-up combined with a passive heating intervention

No passive heating intervention applied following an active warm up


Passive heating strategies and control

No comparison between a passive heating intervention and control

Core and/or muscle temperature variations during passive heating intervention

No core and/or muscle temperature variations during passive heating intervention


Performance measures (time to competition, distance covered)

Performance measures not recorded