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Table 2 Dietary practices of endurance athletes who reported following a planned diet

From: The impact of dieting culture is different between sexes in endurance athletes: a cross-sectional analysis


Total (%)

n = 69

Male (%)

n = 29

Female (%)

n = 40

What diet do you follow?

 Balanced diet

18 (26.1%)

10 (34.5%)

8 (20.0%)

 Plant-based diet

18 (26.1%)

3 (10.3%)b

15 (37.5%)a

Why do you follow this diet?

 Health benefits

52 (75.4%)

22 (75.9%)

30 (75.0%)

 Performance benefits

31 (44.9%)

19 (65.5%)a

12 (30.0%)b

 Personal/medical reasons

31 (44.9%)

8 (27.6%)b

23 (57.5%)a

Do you have difficulty adhering to your diet?


29 (42.0%)

12 (41.4%)

17 (42.5%)


40 (58.0%)

17 (58.6%)

23 (57.5%)

What difficulties do you experience?

n = 29

n = 12

n = 17

 Social influences

12 (41.4%)

3 (25.0%)

9 (52.9%)

 Preparing/obtaining food

9 (31.0%)

4 (33.3%)

5 (29.4%)

 Scheduling conflicts

9 (31.0%)

5 (41.7%)

4 (23.5%)

 General adherence

9 (31.0%)

4 (33.3%)

5 (29.4%)

How long have you been following this diet?*

 Less than a month

7 (10.3%)

3 (10.4%)

4 (10.3%)


12 (17.6%)

9 (31.0%)

3 (7.7%)


49 (72.1%)

17 (58.6%)b

32 (82.1%)a

  1. Data presented as n (%) with differences determined by X2
  2. *n(68)
  3. a distribution greater than expected at p < 0.05
  4. b distribution less than expected at p < 0.05